Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racism And Its Effects On Mental Health Status - 2068 Words
Racism in societal institutions can lead to truncated socioeconomic mobility, differential access to desirable resources, and poor living conditions that can adversely affect mental health. Second, experiences of discrimination can induce physiological and psychological reactions that can lead to adverse changes in mental health status. Third, in race-conscious societies, the acceptance of negative cultural stereotypes can lead to unfavorable self-evaluations that have deleterious effects on psychological well being. Racism may also adversely affect mental health status through the subjective experience of discrimination. Recent qualitative studies and journalistic accounts reveal that blacks experience discrimination in a broad range of contexts in society and that these incidents can induce considerable distress. Some studies have found that exposure to discrimination in the laboratory setting leads to cardiovascular and psychological reactivity among blacks. Similarly, some epidemiological studies have found that exposure to racial discrimination was positively related to elevated levels of blood pressure in blacks although this association has not always been found. Another significant psychological effect of racism is its attack on the ego identity of its victims. Negative images of blacks are pervasive in American culture. The age-old proverb that sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me does not ring true for the effect that believingShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Racism1095 Words  | 5 PagesRacism is an individual, institutional, and societal issue that negatively affects the lives of many African-Americans. Structural racism is a term used to describe the institutional and societal levels of racism. These levels have caused negative effects in the mental and physical public health of African-Americans, and yet are rarely discussed. Hiding or ignoring the impact of racism on public health disparities is not the same as fighting against them. It is allowing them to be repeated withoutRead MoreAustralia s Health Status Of Indigenous Peoples1107 Words  | 5 Pagescurrent health status of Aboriginal and Torres Stra it Islander people†(Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2016). The society of Indigenous peoples have been affected by the British colonisation in 1788; highlighted through all aspects of Aboriginal lifestyle, culture and beliefs being changed by the ‘settlers’. (E. Bourke Bourke, 1995) Over many years it has been an ongoing task to improve the health status of Indigenous peoples in Australia, as there is a large difference in the health statusRead MoreThe Problem Of Health And Wellbeing1506 Words  | 7 PagesHealth and wellbeing is well-defined across many countries as multi-dimensional and holistic approach specifically in Indigenous views. Health for Indigenous population is not only physical, but also social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community. However in Australia, there’s a lack of frameworks supporting the meaning of health that are based on Indigenous understanding (Priest et al. 2012). Thus some ethnic group also familie s living in poverty are being misrepresented by childRead MoreThe Factors Affecting Minority Groups Essay1539 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: Racism has consistently affected African Americans, Asians, Latinos/Hispanics, Caribbean, Etc. Many researchers argue about the many factors affecting minority groups in society due to racism. Racism can have direct and indirect effects on a minority population. All the groups listed are all known as minorities within the United States and their socioeconomic standards. 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Mental illness refers to a wide variety of disorders, ranging from those that cause mild distress to those that impair a person’s ability to function in daily life. Many have tried to figure out the reasons for mental illnesses. All of these reasons have been looked at and thought of for thousands of years. The biological perspective views mental illness as a bodily process. Where as theRead MoreOvercoming Racism And Barriers To Counseling African Americans.1347 Words  | 6 PagesOvercoming Racism and Barriers to Counseling African Americans Racism against African Americans and other ethnicities is still prevalent in our society. Salis (2015) mentions a recent poll of Caucasian and African Americans and found that sixty percent of those surveyed felt racial relationships ha vent improved and forty percent felt they were worse. In this paper, I will identify how a counselor can reduce the effects of racism and discrimination that has affected African Americans. AdditionallyRead MoreThe Long Term Effects Of Racism961 Words  | 4 PagesRacism causes individuals to devalue themselves, and can lead to self-hatred. Numerous surveys and experiments conducted by researchers have shown the long-term effects of racism on different ethnic and racial groups. In surveys conducted by Camara P. Jones, research director of Social Determinants of Health for the CDC and a specialist on the health impact of racism, she found out that white people rarely spend time thinking about their race during the day. But 22% of blacks surveyed s aid theyRead MoreEssay about Indigenous Health1500 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The status of Indigenous health in contemporary Australia is a result of historic factors as well as contemporary socio-economic issues†(Hampton Toombs, 2013, p. 1). The poor health position of Indigenous Australians is a contemporary reflection of their historical treatment as Australia’s traditional owners. This treatment has led to Indigenous Australians experiencing social disadvantages, significantly low socio-economic status, dispossession, poverty and powerlessness as a direct resultRead MoreMental Health Crisis in the African American Community Essay1732 Words  | 7 PagesMental illness is an increasing problem in America. Currently about 26.2% of Americans suffer from a mental disorder. A mental illness/disorder is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, and ability to relate to others and daily functions. Mental illness can affect humans of any age, race, gender and socioeconomic status. However the care that is needed to effectively cure and help the people affected by the illness is not equal for everyone here in American, especially
Thursday, May 14, 2020
De Havilland Mosquito in World War II
The design for the de Havilland Mosquito originated in the late 1930s, when the de Havilland Aircraft Company began working on a bomber design for the Royal Air Force. Having had great success in designing high-speed civilian aircraft, such as the DH.88 Comet and DH.91 Albatross, both constructed largely of wood laminates, de Havilland sought to secure a contract from the Air Ministry. The use of wood laminates in its planes allowed de Havilland to reduce the overall weight of its aircraft while simplifying construction. A New Concept In September 1936, the Air Ministry released Specification P.13/36 which called for a medium bomber capable of achieving 275 mph while carrying a payload of 3,000 lbs. a distance of 3,000 miles. Already an outsider due to their use of all-wood construction, de Havilland initially attempted to modify the Albatross to meet the Air Ministrys requirements. This effort fared poorly as the performance of the first design, possessing six to eight guns and a three-man crew, projected badly when studied. Powered by twin Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, the designers began seeking ways to improve the planes performance. While the P.13/36 specification resulted in the Avro Manchester and Vickers Warwick, it led to discussions that advanced the idea of the fast, unarmed bomber. Seized upon by Geoffrey de Havilland, he sought to develop this concept to create an aircraft would exceed the P.13/36 requirements. Returning to the Albatross project, the team at de Havilland, led by Ronald E. Bishop, began removing elements from the aircraft to decrease weight and increase speed. This approach proved successful, and the designers quickly realized that by removing the bombers entire defensive armament its speed would be on par with the fighters of the day allowing it to outrun danger rather than fighting. The end result was an aircraft, designated DH.98, that was radically different from the Albatross. A small bomber powered by two Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, it would be capable of speeds around 400 mph with a payload of 1,000 lbs. To enhance the aircrafts mission flexibility, the design team made allowance for the mounting of four 20 mm cannon in the bomb bay which would fire through blast tubes under the nose. Development Despite the new aircrafts projected high speed and superb performance, the Air Ministry rejected the new bomber in October 1938, over concerns regarding its wooden construction and lack of defensive armament. Unwilling to abandon the design, Bishops team continued to refine it after the outbreak of World War II. Lobbying for the aircraft, de Havilland finally succeeded in obtaining an Air Ministry contract from Air Chief Marshal Sir Wilfrid Freeman for a prototype under Specification B.1/40 which had been tailor written for the DH.98. As the RAF expanded to meet wartime needs, the company was finally able to obtain a contract for fifty aircraft in March 1940. As work on the prototypes moved forward, the program was delayed as a result of the Dunkirk Evacuation. Restarting, the RAF also asked de Havilland to develop heavy fighter and reconnaissance variants of the aircraft. On November 19, 1940, the first prototype was completed and it took to the air six days later. Over the next few months, the newly dubbed Mosquito underwent flight testing at Boscombe Down and quickly impressed the RAF. Outpacing the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.II, the Mosquito also proved capable of carrying a bomb load four times larges (4,000 lbs.) than anticipated. Upon learning this, modifications were made to improve the Mosquitos performance with heavier loads. Construction The Mosquitos unique wood construction allowed parts to be made in furniture factories across Britain and Canada. To construct the fuselage, 3/8 sheets of Ecuadorean balsawood sandwiched between sheets of Canadian birch was formed inside large concrete molds. Each mold held half of the fuselage and once dry, the control lines and wires were installed and the two halves were glued and screwed together. To complete the process, the fuselage was covered in a doped Madapolam (woven cotton) finish. Construction of the wings followed a similar process, and a minimal amount of metal was used to reduce weight. Specifications (DH.98 Mosquito B Mk XVI): General Length: 44 ft. 6 in.Wingspan: 54 ft. 2 in.Height: 17 ft. 5 in.Wing Area: 454 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 14,300 lbs.Loaded Weight: 18,000 lbs.Crew: 2 (pilot, bombardier) Performance Power Plant: 2 Ãâ€" Rolls-Royce Merlin 76/77 liquid-cooled V12 engine, 1,710 hpRange: 1,300 milesMax Speed: 415 mphCeiling: 37,000 ft. Armament Bombs: 4,000 lbs. Operational History Entering service in 1941, the Mosquitos versatility was utilized immediately. The first sortie was conducted by a photo reconnaissance variant on September 20, 1941. A year later, Mosquito bombers conducted a famed raid on the Gestapo headquarters in Oslo, Norway which demonstrated the aircrafts great range and speed. Serving as part of Bomber Command, the Mosquito quickly developed a reputation for being able to successfully carry out dangerous missions with minimal losses. On January 30, 1943, Mosquitos carried out a daring daylight raid on Berlin, making a liar of Reichmarschall Hermann Gà ¶ring who claimed such an attack impossible. Also serving in the Light Night Strike Force, Mosquitos flew high speed night missions designed to distract German air defenses from British heavy bomber raids. The night fighter variant of the Mosquito entered service in mid-1942, and was armed with four 20mm cannon in its belly and four .30 cal. machine guns in the nose. Scoring its first kill on May 30, 1942, night fighter Mosquitos downed over 600 enemy aircraft during the war. Equipped with a variety of radars, Mosquito night fighters were used throughout the European Theater. In 1943, the lessons learned on the battlefield were incorporated into a fighter-bomber variant. Featuring the Mosquitos standard fighter armament, the FB variants were capable of carrying 1,000 lbs. of bombs or rockets. Utilized across the front, Mosquito FBs became renowned for being able to carry out pinpoint attacks such as striking the Gestapo headquarters in downtown Copenhagen and breeching the wall of the Amiens prison to facilitate the escape of French resistance fighters. In addition to its combat roles, Mosquitos were also used as high-speed transports. Remaining in service after the war, the Mosquito was used by the RAF in various roles until 1956. During its ten-year production run (1940-1950), 7,781 Mosquitos were built of which 6,710 were constructed during the war. While production was centered in Britain, additional parts and aircraft were built in Canada and Australia. The Mosquitos final combat missions were flown as part of the Israeli Air Forces operations during the 1956 Suez Crisis. The Mosquito was also operated by the United States (in small numbers) during World War II and by Sweden (1948-1953).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rumored News on Current Event Essay Samples Uncovered
Rumored News on Current Event Essay Samples Uncovered Current Event Essay Samples This does not mean it is impossible to create a captivating essay on recent events. Guidelines On How To Write A Current Events Essay A present events paper is a quick description of an event that has just happened or will happen. One of the greatest strategies to study Sociology is through the interpretation and knowledge of current events in the specialty. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Current Event Essay Samples for Dummies There's, naturally, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. An excellent journalist ought to be able to produce excellent predictions. Take into consideration the event and that which you feel people ought to know about doing it. It's also an important security issue since it reinforces cycles of violence and conflict. What You Must Know About Current Event Essay Samples Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't really hard to discover. Once you have done your research and at this point you have all the essential resources. Explaining how to spend less by employing open-source texts and internet textbook rental websites would result in an extremely informative essay. Because you won't be permitted to bring research material into the room, your essays won't be as detailed since they might otherwise be. While writing such an essay it is possible to omit strict structure regulations. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. The article review must incorporate a concise analysis clearly identifying the financial issues represented. Your thesis statement might be in the introduction. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. At this time you have to support your opening statement. Based on that, you will structure the components of your response essay. Really Amazing costs NO PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED! Naturally, there is absolutely no way to spell out an event in a totally objective way. A tremendous conclusion section is a massive minus, which says that you cannot summarize your thoughts concisely. Here are the 10 things they have to watch. 10 days is the advised time but deciding on a shorter timefram e is likely to make your research skills standout. It is possible to also secure several discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Your essay might incorporate the factors for teen pregnancy and talk about the present rates of teen pregnancy and potential solutions. There's no such thing as an objective viewpoint. Begin the conclusion by re-establishing the major point. In short, one is in a position to look for information, or can require the new media (internet media). Once you've come up with a few details that you want to include in the debut, start putting the pieces together to find out what you produce. Each one among these prompts has a link so that your teens can read more regarding the problem. It was just now that he felt safe, and managed to go back to his home. Ok, I Think I Understand Current Event Essay Samples, Now Tell Me About Current Event Essay Samples! Change occurs becau se of conflict between competing interests as opposed to through adaptation. The author quotes that this will not simply influence the poor nations but also the developed nations. Current Event Essay Samples Help! Speak to us now to find expert essay writing help! Okay, now you have the fundamentals about how to opt for an informative essay topic, let's dig into some wonderful ideas! When it is argumentative or informative essays, you must develop a topic that could grab the interest of the reader very quickly and this isn't such an easy job. Thus, to compose a great essay you need to brainstorm all thoughts concerning your life experiences. Following are a few of the suggested sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to pick a great topic for their assignment. Which is why, though the words are struck through, they can nevertheless be read. This paragraph is quite important because it leaves the reader having the most immediate impression. It's likely you would like to earn an excellent strong impact before presenting more evidence and details about your topic. The debut of the essay helps bring readers into the circumstance. The debut of your document should familiarize the readers with the topic and provide them a brief outline regarding what you will be addressing. From this info you ought to have a notion of the way to introduce it to the reader. In addition, a customer may ask the writer to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask them to make corrections. The article review must incorporate a concise overview of the facts in the article utilizing economic terms. It must include an analysis of the problem or debate.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategy Management Pharma Industry
Question: Discuss about theStrategy Management for Pharma Industry. Answer: Introduction The company that has been chosen for this report is Pfizer. The reason why this company has been chosen is because Pfizer became a giant owing to its blockbuster drug Lipitor. The company has grown mostly inorganically and expanded its reach to include small and innovative players in its basket. This report will highlight the current situation of the company and the drug pipeline. The external industry analysis will look at other players and various factors that are driving this industry. We will then look at the internal company analysis and the different options that this company has for the future (Abbott 2013). Analysis of the Current Situation The pharma industry has four major types of players The branded drug producers, the generic makers, the biotechnology giants and the OTC makers. Pfizer operates in the branded drug and OTC space. Earlier the decision making was mostly based on the handful of a group of physicians the consumers and the payer companies had no say whatsoever. This has been the reason why the pharma companies came into the eye of the storm wherein a need to balance the way they operate must come into picture (Sams-Dodd, 2013.). Source: FDA. US The company now provides free HIV drugs in developing countries where the prevalence of HIV is more than 1% of the population. The company has grown organically through major mergers and acquisitions. In the year 2016 the biggest merger was about to take place worth $160 billion between Amgen Plc. and Pfizer Inc. but the deal could not reach the desired result since there are some new rules from the United States Treasury that stand against inversions. This deal would have given Pfizer access to the Biotechnology space. But it did not make it through. Pfizer had several other deals the best was with WarnerLambert acquisition worth $111.8 billion (Ramakrishnan 2012). The current scenario also looks at a number of smaller acquisitions that the company is looking at in the oncology research area. The company is also looking at the mergers when it wants to enter a new market. External Analysis The external analysis will look at the PESTEL analysis and the 5 forces to look at the current trends in the industry PESTEL Political The political landscape is currently against the pharma space. The regulations have become stricter. The number of years a patent is valid has been reduced drastically thus causing the shortening of the product lifecycle. The issue is also with excessive lobbying that the pharma companies have been charged with. They have always been more susceptible to lobbying in various countries with political organizations. Economic The pharma giants have faced growth issues over the last decade owning to several factors like lack in the number of blockbuster drugs, high penetration of generic drugs, issues with the number of patents getting approved since FDA norms have become stricter. Social As already discussed, the social aspects have to be taken care with the help of pharma companies having complete access over the need of pharmacovigilance. They have lobbied against some laws that may prove a hindrance to their sales targets and growth initiatives. The issue can also be seen with certain pharma practices like bribing and gifting physicians to garner sales targets (Ponce 2013) Technological The issue here lies with pharma companies developing investigator platforms during trails that can reduce the timeline for clinical trials but such techniques have not been adopted with the faster pace they should be adopted with. Environmental These pharma giants have evolved in a number of ways as far as environment is concerned. They have adopted greener techniques. Pfizer as an example is one of the greenest companies of the world. Legal There have been several legal challenges and implications for this industry overall we can see that there have been several published houses about the operation, establishment, liquidation and foreign invested enterprises which stated that the laws are being simplified in order to attract foreign investors. This has thus impacted globalization in a number of ways. Porters 5 forces Porters Analysis Identify the competition Pharma companies are giants in themselves. They do not have any external competition. However they are effected by competition within themselves. The issues arise when two companies file for similar patents and research is carried on same area of medical science. (Rodil 2013.) Identify substitutes for product or service Medicines do not have substitutes, hence the substitution effect is very low in this case. Buyers power The buyers power is also very low and they do not have much say as far as prices are concerned. Power of Suppliers The suppliers also do not enjoy a greater say since the molecule is built by the pharma giants and only they know about the formulation history for the molecule. Arrival of New Competitors The industry was driven by the big companies earlier but now small startups working on specialized sciences have a greater say in this aspect. They are most innovative compared to the big giants. Thus the research and marketing capabilities are outsourced to the big companies. Internal Analysis SWOT Favorable Unfavorable Internal Strengths Pfizer is a giant in the pharma scape. It has huge cash reserves and a very well developed product pipeline. The company also is a great place to work hence draws great talent in the industry. Weakness The major weakness has been the lobbying allegation levelled against the company. This has brought a number of law suits against the company. The settlement costs run into millions. External Opportunities The opportunities lie in the merger and acquisition successes that this company has seen, This experience can be leveraged in the future for biologics acquisition and other niche company merger management (Bonner 2015). Threats The major threat in developing markets is through generic drugs that have more bargaining power in terms of price. These pharma giants have evolved in a number of ways as far as environment is concerned. They have adopted greener techniques. Pfizer as an example is one of the greenest companies of the world. Thus we can see that the company can achieve double digit growth through inorganic growth and focus on innovative medicine. The company must also steer clear of lawsuits against it against major pharma giants and lobbying charges (Moustafa and Trmouillaux-Guiller 2015). Conclusion and Recommendation The current scenario also looks at a number of smaller acquisitions that the company is looking at in the oncology research area. The company is also looking at the mergers when it wants to enter a new market. In order to supply medicines relevant to local customer base Pfizer needs to provide autonomy to local managers but at the same time everything should not be decentralized. Pfizer must look at the aspect of economies of scale without compromising local relevance. A possible platform can be created for the services and products which are locally delivered. This polices will the company to establish itself in Chinese market. They must thus look forward to market development and market building in major untouched geographies. There are certain recent trends that have impacted the industry in more ways than previously understood. The companies like Roche, Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz started off as family heirlooms and then eventually they became pharma global player. In this report we will also look at the effect of globalization and innovation on this industry. We will also look at the key industry trends. The external industry analysis will look at other players and various factors that are driving this industry. We will then look at the internal company analysis and the different options that this company has for the future. References Moustafa, K. and Trmouillaux-Guiller, J., 2015. Molecular farming on rescue of pharma industry for next generations.Critical reviews in biotechnology, pp.1-11. Abbott, F.M., 2013. Science, Scarcity and Public Health: The Search for New Pharma Models.Scarcity and Public Health: The Search for New Pharma Models (May 20, 2013). Rodil, ., 2013. Targeting biomed cluster from a mature pharma industry: the Medicon Valley experience.Technology Analysis Strategic Management,25(7), pp.871-889. Ponce, N., 2013. Operational Excellence in the Indian Pharma Industry: Real-time Online Delphi Study-Results. Bonner, L., 2015. Pharma industry must pay for drug take-back programs in some California counties.Pharmacy Today,21(7), p.78. Sams-Dodd, F., 2013. Is poor research the cause of the declining productivity of the pharmaceutical industry? An industry in need of a paradigm shift.Drug discovery today,18(5), pp.211-217. Ramakrishnan, N., 2012. Chromatographic finger print analysis of Rumex vesicarius L. by HPTLC Technique.Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine,2(1), pp.S57-S63.
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