Saturday, August 31, 2019
Good and Bad Teachers Essay
I would like to say that I did have some bad teachers and some good ones. I would like to start with the good teachers I had in the past and the ones I have now. I had about 5 good teachers in the past that were very good to me and my class. Those teachers were good because they would give us parties every time the whole class gets an A. They would give us free time when we needed it, they would let us play bingo beside on the lesson we were having). I gave about 6 good teachers this year, well so far they are good to me and the class. Of course you are one of them although I only get to talk to you on Thursdays and Mondays, but because you let me do something’s over I would say that you are a good teacher, well online teacher, but let’s get back to school teachers the other 5 are good because they know when to give us tests and quizzes, but there is one in particular that is already planning a part for when we finish the part of a book were taking. The others are also good because the give us what we need and want. Now I will talk about the bad teachers. In the past I had 4 bad teachers, I am not that type of person that likes to point figures but here it goes, I think that they are bad because they give us too much work for our little hands to take care of and all day is work and work. They did not like it when we said something wrong they would put us outside of the class and if that did not work then they would literally tape on our mouth, but lucky me I never talked during that teacher’s period so that never happened put to me. This year I have 3 bad teachers, I think that they are bad because every time the WHOLE class fails that teacher blames it on the students and some of us tell that teacher that it is not our fault, if the whole class failed that means that, that teacher did not teach us very good or the test was not based on what teacher had thought us. I know that is not a nice thing to do to us as students. The other teachers they either just over do it with classwork and homework. I know what you are thing Ms. Harvard we need that work, and I could not agree more with you but these teachers just give us the unneeded things.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Importance Of Primary Education For Childern Analysis Education Essay
Primary instruction is the basic and first right of every child.Its handiness and proviso is non merely the duty of province but parents and families. Primary instruction brings consciousness among the multitudes, opens avenues for chances every bit good self-advancement and betterment and reduces chronic and inter-generational poorness. As a first measure in the creative activity of public assistance and merely society, cosmopolitan primary instruction is an absolute pre-requisite for sustainable development. Every individual kid that means misss every bit good as male childs should be able to finish full class of primary instruction. In order to vie with the environing universe, kids are prepared from really early childhood. Equally early as four or five old ages, the kids grew up in the place, where they seek advice about how household life, and how to interact with people in general pretence. But life and the competition and the whole universe, life and excel in the upcoming one in ulterior life. General instruction in assorted subjects is indispensable to supply each of which is primary instruction for kids. Primary instruction is mandatory for pupils on life, where all the related subjects the basic cognition and necessary, which may include numeration, word formation and apprehension of general moralss, norms and criterions of cognition around. Primary instruction is normally started earlier, in some states, such as baby's room categories in other counties is the first measure the chief baby's room. All kids to instruction, the usage of this very petroleum and professional life around the universe, they have to cover with in ulterior life information. This is in all states, all of the plans and classs to take compulsory position and kids with linguistic communication, art, scientific discipline, mathematics and other facets of life, particularly the basic cognition of faith, introduced mandatory instruction. Primary instruction normally ends at ten old ages old as 5th class pupils through their tests. Started within this period of clip, so that all pupils in the community to work as a category and how to cover with and obey the general apprehension in society. Other than this subject is the most of import facet is secondary in these initial experiences to beef up vocational instruction in the former watercourse. Yet basic instruction in hapless states like Pakistan is in crisis. 67 % of kids ( aged between6-10 ) go to school ( 72 % male and 62 % female ) 57 % literacy rate ( 69 % male and 45 % female ) Thousands of new trained instructors are needed today to supply childern with a nice instruction There are so many grounds for kids to lose school, but poorness is the chief 1. Parents can non afford school fees, uniforms and books sum. Most of communities may non hold adequate resources to run a school.In most of rural countries, schools are at long distances which make kids to avoid them and particularly it makes impossible for misss. The account for misss ‘ exclusion is n't simple. In different cultural values boys get precedence when it comes to instruction. Girls are kept place to assist with child care and family working.They do non bask the same freedom of motion as male childs. It is of import for the Government of Pakistan to do excess attempt by running more plans and educational prioritized policies to accomplish Millennium Educational Development Goals set under the declaration signed in 2000. This subject is chosen to pull attending of every person to endeavor together for the development of simple instruction which can be guided by the analytical model provided in claiming the Millennium-Development-Goals. The survey will enable us to happen impact of different factors set uping the accomplishment of Millennium-Development-Goals for instruction. It besides includes plans and policies used to accomplish the spreads and achieve maximal achievement of ends. To reason, it will foreground the jobs associating to this issue and giving solutions to them. 1.2 Importance of research rubric: The end of accomplishing cosmopolitan primary instruction is particularly of import because educational attainment has been noted as a cardinal facet to overall economic growing ( Gupta et. al. , 2002 ) . To mensurate advancement towards this end, the United Nations has chosen three indexs of primary cosmopolitan instruction: Universal Literacy, Universal Primary Enrollment and Universal Primary Education Completion. Additionally, the United Nations has called for Gender Parity, or the equal representation of males and females, in primary instruction as a portion of a separate end meant to advance gender equality and empower adult females. As the deadline for finishing the MDGs has been set for 2015, developing states must set up the most efficient ways to accomplish these ends with the limited resources available. The primary aim of this subject is to reexamine the extent to which-and how-educational developments are reflected in national MDGs-based development schemes and policies in Pakistan, in order to place critical spreads and challenges, and to see what can be learned from these experiences to do betterments in accomplishing ends. The subject, hence, is intended for usage by development of educational governments, and specifically by policymakers, national human rights establishments, civil society organisations, and United Nations financess, plans and bureaus working to incorporate educational rights into national and international attempts to accomplish the Millennium-Development-Goals ( MDGs ) . 1.3 Brief reappraisal of position of instruction in Pakistan since its birth: Since the birth of Pakistan, in last 63 old ages different comprehensive paperss and policies at national degree on restructuring and betterment of instruction system were produced in different old ages 1959, 1972, 1979 and 1992. Yet, the limited economic resources, hapless grasp of instruction precedences, unequal committedness, and improper execution of Torahs and deficiency of response from the people ne'er allowed the coveted transmutation to take topographic point. In 1998, the so authorities, made an understanding to this basic duty, by denoting the policy on 27th March 1998. The National Education Policy 1998 was formulated to transform the Pakistani state into an educated, cultured, integrated, cohesive entity that can vie and stand up to future challenges. The two of the chief aims that were set under this policy were to universalise primary instruction for the kids, young person and grownups by the twelvemonth 2010 through non-formal attack and to achieve cosmopolitan literacy rate. In September 2000, at the United Nations HQ in New York City, merely after two and half old ages of national instruction policy for Pakistan was devised, 189 states from across the universe signed the Millennium Declaration to accomplish minimal criterion of quality of life. Pakistan was besides one of them. Eight Millennium-Development-Goals were agreed to accomplish the aims of the Declaration by 2015 and get down a new epoch of peace and equality. The first specific end set under MDGs was to cut down utmost poorness and hungriness, second was to accomplish cosmopolitan primary instruction, 3rd to advance gender equity and empower adult females, 4th to cut down kid mortality, fifth to better maternal wellness, sixth to battle HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases, seventh to guarantee environmental sustainability and eight to develop a planetary partnership for development. Primary educational development is the 2nd end to accomplish after eliminating hungriness and poorness. To put the universe on a new class of patterned advance, rich and hapless state, old and new, had signed a declaration. The human race had ne'er done much corporate attempt and possible to make good earlier in history. Declarations can be signed but merely as easy forgotten. In todays life of international political relations due to planetary economic and societal unstability, precedences change fast and committednesss are delayed. As a state, it is our duty to fall in together and to contend against this planetary war. It can be our coevals that eliminates illiteracy and make a universe for every adult male. It can be our coevals who can supply a way of success and bright hereafter for the following coevalss. Governments are answerable to the people they govern and it ‘s those people, you and me, who have the ability to do certain they keep their committednesss. So far the current rate of advancement for Millennium development ends to be fulfilled by 2015 is difficult.If we want to, we can do a difference by fall ining with each other to do our voice count. Our ballot counts and so does our voice. So Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s do our difference to the state today and do illiteracy history. These are the several grounds which hinder the accomplishment of MDGs for instruction will be focused but other of import variables will non be ignored. All these elements have been identified in this research paper and are given in item. Though Pakistan has run through a political convulsion every bit good as natural catastrophe like temblors of 2004-5 and inundations of 2009 has atrocious and atrocious after effects on the economic system every bit good as societal substructure of Pakistan. Yet we as a state should non give up and go on to our best to accomplish these MDGs. 1.4 Importance of subject for Academic governments: The research paper has its graduated table and importance. It has a really broad range and its graduated table of importance is besides huge. The subject has its importance globally as this job is non the job of one state but it is a planetary issue and has a planetary position. A batch of work has been done in this respects but still there is a demand to trap indicate the jobs until no proper action is being taken. This research investigates the accomplishment for educational MDGs in Pakistan, placing the jobs, issues and hinderances in non accomplishing the coveted ends and proposing some recommendations to accomplish the targeted ends. This paper, hence, is intended for usage by development of educational governments, and specifically by policymakers, national human rights establishments, civil society organisations, and United Nations financess, plans and bureaus working to incorporate educational rights into national and international attempts to accomplish the Millennium-Development-Goals ( MDGs ) . Ministry of instruction has gained importance and is playing a really fruitful and ruling work in the society. Students and instructors are making research on such subjects ; it will assist them understand good the job. 1.5 Cardinal Definitions: The definitions of of import nomenclatures or words are as follow:FootingsGlossary/Operational DefinitionEducationThe act or procedure of educating ; the consequence of educating, as determined by the cognition accomplishment, or subject of character, acquired ; besides, the act or procedure of preparation by a prescribed or customary class of survey or subject. ( )Primary instructionIt is most frequently referred to as simple instruction, which is normally composed of classs one through six. The chief intent of primary instruction is to give kids a strong foundation in the rudimentss of a general course of study, with an accent on reading and math. ( †º Education †º K-12 †º K-12 Basics ) 1.6 Study aim: This survey attempts to reexamine and analyze the state ‘s specific policies, plans, bing commissariats and schemes which have been adopted to accomplish the millenary development end to guarantee that by2015 every individual male child and miss will be able to finish full class of primary schooling. Furthermore, the survey besides suggests some recommendations and looks at the different factors that have an impact in accomplishment of these ends. To analyze the impact of the Net primary registration ratio ( % ) on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of the completion / endurance rate grade 1 to 5 ( % ) on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of the GPI ( Gender para index ) on literacy rate spread. To analyze the consequence of the Public outgo as % of gross domestic product on instruction on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of the Pupil-teacher ratio on literacy rate spread. To analyze the proposition that Poverty rate has significant/insignificant impact on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of Non formal instruction ( deeni madrasas ) on literacy rate spread. To analyze the insignificant/significant impact of population aged ( 0-14 ) ( % of entire ) on literacy rate spread. To analyze the proposition that primary instruction instructors ( % of females ) has a significant/insignificant impact on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of low weight babes on literacy rate spread. To analyze the impact of figure of primary schools on literacy rate spread.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (9th Edition)
Exam 1 Review Guide: (Introduction to Anatomy, Chemistry, Cell) Note: 90 % of the exam will come from this review guide. 10% will come from masteringaandp. com, the text or material covered in the lecture and not posted on the lecture slides. Introduction to Anatomy †¢ What is the definition of anatomy? †¢ What is the definition of physiology? †¢ What is homeostasis? †¢ What are the two ways in which homeostasis is maintained? †¢ What are the directional terms used to find things in the body? o For example, what are the medical terms for the following? o Up/down o Right/left o Close/far Closer to the midline/farther from the midline o Same side/opposite side o Face up/face down o Etc. (maybe more) †¢ What are the major cavities of the body? †¢ What are the planes of the body? †¢ What are the body regions? o For example, what are the medical terms for the following? o Arm o Forearm o Wrist o Hand o Fingers o Thumb o Elbow o Front of elbow o Poin t of elbow o Thigh o Knee o Knee cap o Leg o Calf o Foot o Sole of foot o Head o Neck o Chest o Lungs o Heart o Groin o Pelvis (front) o Low back o Buttocks o Etc. (maybe more) †¢ What are the four abdominal quadrants and what major organs are found in each quadrant? What are the levels of organization and what is the order? Chemistry †¢ What are the four major elements of the body? †¢ What are the lesser or trace elements of the body? †¢ What are the three subatomic particles and what charge do they carry? †¢ What is an isotope? †¢ What is the difference between an atom and an element? †¢ What are the three major types of chemical bonds? How do they differ? o Give examples for each. †¢ What three atoms are associated with hydrogen bonding? †¢ What are the two major types of chemical reactions? †¢ Do you make or use energy when you make a bond? Break a bond? What is the difference between a catalyst and an enzyme? †¢ What is the major atom/element contained in organic compounds? †¢ What is an acid? †¢ What is a base? †¢ What is pH the measure of? †¢ If aspirin is a weakly acidic drug, where is it most likely to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract? Why? †¢ Is lemon juice an example of an acid or a base? †¢ Is household chlorine an example of an acid or a base? †¢ What are the four major types of organic compounds? †¢ What are examples of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides? †¢ What are examples of lipids? †¢ What are examples of proteins? What are the building blocks of proteins? †¢ What do proteins contain that carbohydrates and lipids do not? †¢ What are the two major types of nucleic acids? †¢ What are the two major types of purines? †¢ What are the three major types of pyrimidines? †¢ Which purines are bonded to which pyrimidines? How many hydrogen bond hold them together? †¢ What is DNA? †¢ What i s RNA? †¢ What are the nucleotides (chains of nucleic acids) composed of? †¢ What are the two major parts of metabolism? †¢ What are the high compounds which store energy? Cells †¢ What is the plasma membrane composed of? What is the function of the plasma membrane? †¢ What are the two different types of plasma membrane proteins? †¢ What are the three functions of membrane proteins? †¢ Where are glycolipids only found? †¢ What are the three major types of membrane junctions? o What are their functions †¢ What is osmosis? †¢ What is diffusion? †¢ What are the two major types? †¢ What is active transport? †¢ What are the major types? †¢ What is endocytosis/exocytosis? †¢ What are the different types of endocytosis? †¢ What is phagocytosis? †¢ What is pinocytosis? †¢ What is clathrin-mediated/receptor-mediated endocytosis? What is the cytoplasm? Cytosol? †¢ What are the major organelles of th e cell? †¢ What are their functions? o For example, what is the function of the following organelles? o Mitochondria o Peroxisomes o Lysosomes o Edoplasmic reticulum ? Smooth ? Rough o Golgi apparatus o Cytoskeleton o Centrioles o Ribosomes o Etc. (Maybe more) †¢ What are cilia? †¢ What is the nucleus? What does it contain? †¢ What is chromatin? †¢ What is the cell cycle? †¢ When is DNA replicated? †¢ What does the cell undergo cell division? †¢ What is mitosis? †¢ What are the phases of mitosis? What occurs during each phase? What is meiosis? How does it differ from mitosis? †¢ What are the phases of meiosis? †¢ What is transcription? From what to what? †¢ What is translation? From what to what? Tissues †¢ What makes up tissues? †¢ What are the 4 different types of tissues? †¢ What are the different types of epithelial tissues? †¢ How do you name the epithelial tissues? o Simple o Stratified o Pseudostr atified o Transitional o Squamous o Cuboidal o Columnar o Etc. (look for more) †¢ Where are these epithelial tissues located? †¢ What are the major functions of each? †¢ What is the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands? Where do you find goblet cells? †¢ What is the function of goblet cells? †¢ What are the different types of exocrine glands? (Structures) †¢ What is the difference between merocrine and holocrine glands? †¢ What are the different types of connective tissues? o Loose o Areolar o Adipose o Reticular o Dense o Regular o Irregular o Cartilage (Hyaline, Elastic, Fibrous) o Bone (Osseous) o Blood †¢ What are their (above) functions and where are they found? †¢ What 3 structural elements make up connective tissue? †¢ What are the characteristics of nervous tissue? †¢ What are the 3 different types of muscle tissue? What the differences? What are the similarities? †¢ What are the characteristics for each ? †¢ What happens in tissue repair? Skin Tissue †¢ What are the 3 major regions of the skin? †¢ What are the 4 cells of the epidermis? What are their functions? †¢ What are the 4 or 5 layers of the epidermis? †¢ Where do you find stratum lucidum? †¢ What is also called the basal layer? What is also called stratum germinativum? o What do you find in this layer? †¢ What is also called the prickly layer? o What do you find in this layer? †¢ What is also called the granular layer? o What do you find in this layer? What is also called the clear layer? o What do you find in this layer? †¢ What is also called the horny layer? o What do you find in this layer? †¢ Is the epidermis vascular? †¢ What are the 2 major divisions of the dermis? o What do you find in each layer? †¢ What do you find in the hypodermis or subcutaneous layer? †¢ What are the 3 pigments that contribute to skin color? †¢ What are the 4 different types of sweat glands? Where do you find each? †¢ What are sebaceous glands? †¢ Where do you find hair? o What is its function? o What is its structure? o What is the hair follicle? What are the 2 different types of hair and when or where are they found? o What is alopecia and what are some ways to treat it? †¢ What are nails? o What is its structure? †¢ What are some of the functions of the integumentary system? †¢ What are the 3 major types of skin cancer? o What are the degrees of severity? o What is the most dangerous? o What is the ABCD rule? †¢ What are burns? o What is a first degree burn? Example? o What is a second degree burn? Example? o What is a third degree burn? Example? o What is the rule of NINES? Bone Tissue †¢ What type of tissue is cartilage? o Structure? Function? †¢ What makes up cartilage? o Ground substance? o Fibers? o Cells? †¢ What are the 3 different types of cartilage? o Where do you find each type? †¢ What are the different types of growth for cartilage and which direction do they occur? o Appositional o Interstitial †¢ Is cartilage vascular? †¢ What are the 2 major divisions of the skeleton? †¢ What are the 4 major shape classifications for bone? †¢ What are some major functions of bone? †¢ What are the major bone markings and how are they described? o Tuberosity o Crest o Trochanter o Line o Tubercle o Epicondyle o Spine o Process Head o Facet o Condyle o Ramus o Meatus o Sinus o Fossa o Groove o Fissure o Foramen †¢ What is: o Diaphysis? o Epiphysis? o Metaphysis? o Epiphyseal line? o Periosteum? o Medullary cavity? †¢ Is bone vascular? †¢ What type of tissue is bone? o Structure? o Function? †¢ What makes up bone tissue? o Ground substance? o Fibers? o Cells? †¢ What types of bones contain spongy bone? †¢ What is the function of red bone marrow? o In infants? o In adults? †¢ What is the function of yellow bone marrow? †¢ What is the functional (or basic) unit of the bone? †¢ What are Haversian systems (or osteons)? What are: o Lamella o Haversian (central) canals o Volkmann’s canals o Canaliculi o Osteocytes o Osteogenic cells o Osteoblasts o Osteoclasts †¢ What do you find in lacunae? †¢ What is endochondral ossification and where does it occur? o What are the 5 stages? †¢ What is intramembranous ossification? Example? †¢ What are the functional zones in long bone growth? o What are the 3 zones? †¢ How does growth hormone (GH) affect bone growth before puberty (and epiphyseal growth plate closure)? †¢ How does growth hormone (GH) affect bone growth after puberty (and epiphyseal growth plate closure)? What are the two hormones released at puberty? o What type of closure occurs as a result? o What type of growth does this closure end? †¢ What is the difference between bone deposition and resorption? †¢ What is calcium used for? †¢ What is the function of calcitonin? o Where does it come from? †¢ What is the function of parathyroid hormone? o Where does it come from †¢ What is Wolff’s law? †¢ Fractures? o Comminuted o Compression o Spiral o Epiphyseal o Depressed o Greenstick †¢ What are the stages of bone healing? †¢ What is: o Osteomalacia o Rickets o Osteoporosis o Paget’s disease
LP7- Prin Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LP7- Prin Management - Assignment Example Erik leadership may be described as an autocratic style; her major concern was making profits and cutting down costs. Her strength is based on the application of power to obtain the desired outcomes. On the other hand, her major weakness is that he failed to value employees as important assets in the company. The sources of his influence/power were obtained by going via the education system (Researchomatic, Para.3). I would like Eric Quinn adopt participative/democratic leadership style. This is because it provides employees with an opportunity to air their grievances. In addition, it makes them feel motivated to achieve organization /goals. This will be possible because, I will establish employees training and with an environment that enhances corporation within the organization. To influence Eric Rasmussen decision of accepting my recommendation, I would communicate to him the benefits of unity and give him relevant examples and statistics of companies that had become successful as a result of adopting democratic/participative leadership style (Fasae, paras.2-7). Some of the elements that could be introduced to encourage employee’s performance and improve their motivation include; providing them with additional training and skills. Additionally, employees should be allowed to participate in decision making. This will help them to fill accountable in implementing decisions that they had made and further increase their productivity (Fasae,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Conference week 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conference week 4 - Assignment Example This strategy currently is evident with online corporations thereby gaining much popularity. Several companies have put up their online stores and begun marketing and selling their products directly to their bypassing retailers and consumers (Lussier 139). Taking a keen look at whatever happened to Amazon, just as mentioned in the article, it is possible to note that the strategy Amazon attempted was forward integration strategy. The company tried its best to apply this strategy though failed utterly. If Amazon could have considered certain factors in consideration to its functional and operational unit, then the company would have been successful in implementing the forward integration strategy. Despite Amazon’s strategies failing, there are certain things that the company could have done in its functional and operational sectors that would have assisted it in evading the challenges that they faced during the implementation of the strategy they adopted. Amazon should have considered functional strategies. These are relatively short-range activities, which every functional sector within a company must carry out to put into practice broader, longer-term business level and corporate level strategies. Each functional sector of a company has numerous strategy alternatives, which interact with and ought to be consistent with the general strategies of the company (Lussier 140). In most cases, three fundamental features normally differentiate the operational or functional strategies from business level and corporate level strategies. These three features include primary participation of operating directors, greater specificity and shorter time horizon. In addition, some other key areas that that should always be checked when implementing the functional strategies include the major functional areas of production/operations, marketing, research
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Literature Review for Program Design Research Paper
Literature Review for Program Design - Research Paper Example By defining a structure to the program, teachers are engaged into a learning experience that they, themselves, will be reverberate in their respective schools and classrooms. The program also integrates the concept of continuing this learning process in the case of the students. The challenge is to inspire them to continually update their learning with the 5E’s of learning model after it has been imparted by the educator. The program provides a structure that extends to the classroom after the program for teacher-aimed workshops. Students are provided with a more in depth encounter with text books. Text books are then articulated by students in a personal manner which increases possibility of the comprehension of topics in textbooks. This conceptually ends in the students Science exhibit where an application of what has been learned. Literature Reference Overview The following references in this literature review include certain researches and studies that deal with learning t heories and dissertations. It also includes certain resources that expound the concept of the 5E learning method which includes early development of the program, its effectiveness and applications. Other learning theories are also taken into consideration by including their principles in creating a better understanding for the Science Educational Program that is intended to be created. Learning methods are also taken into account as minor references for the literature review of the program. Articles that talk about the need for teachers to improve in their engagement with certain methods of teaching are referred in the writing of this paper. Literature Review Proper As the main point for this review, certain references regarding in depth view for the 5E Learning Model is discussed in Bybee, Taylor et. al.’s Origin, Effectiveness and Application paper of the 5E’s in learning (2006). The 5E’s stand for; Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration and Evaluat ion. According to Bybee (1997), the Engagement part involves how educators are to facilitate discussions for certain academic cases and lessons. This is where educators engage the students to a learning topic by asking questions that have something to do with the students’ previous knowledge of a situation. Knowledge are scanned by teacher so that previous knowledge may be reviewed and assessed by the learners and the educators alike. The Initial knowledge of a topic is discussed to identify certain cliches and information that are known by the learners beforehand. Springboard questions that would be leading the class to relating practical events that deal with the learners’ lives are highly recommended to be an effective learning experience to learners. These recommendations include activities that are indoor and outdoor in nature which leads to the second E of the learning method. Needham, et. Al (1994) also talks about the 5E method wherein The Exploration stage of the learning method invites the learners and the educators alike to embark on hands-on activities that would require beforehand preparation. These aimed to improve the comprehension of a certain Science topic that is due to be discussed. For example, if a topic that will be explored would deal with gravity and motion, an activity that would engage the students into throwing or jumping games can be prepared. This is also the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Imagine being a leader in a small-to-mid company Assignment
Imagine being a leader in a small-to-mid company - Assignment Example e cost is not equal for all but largely depends upon lifestyle-related habits such as excessive liquor consumption, eating habits leading to obesity, smoking because such people needs additional healthcare giving rise to insurance costs. This raises the burden of employer because they need to pay at least half of the insurance cost for each employee as a contractual obligation while offering job to a prospective employee. It becomes imperative that some policy framework, in the matter related to insurance cost, needs to be prepared and implemented that distinguish employees based on their lifestyles. In a free-market economy, costs need to be shared judiciously - in line with the benefits derived by employees. Market can always adjust, while providing full healthcare benefits to workers, by providing lower wages to them so that the total cost to employer remains unchanged but that cannot be done due to minimum wage act in operation. Another alternative is to reduce the number of workers so as to keep the total wage bill constant. When wage rate is allowed to settle on its own without any external interference such as minimum wage act, these issues do not crop up. Quite often, economists have given their expert opinion that the minimum wage act creates market distortion in employment generation process harming weaker section of the society. Survival of the organization largely depends upon how fairly everyone is treated based on their contribution to the organization and the costs incurred on them. Usually, most employers do engage themselves in cost-benefit analysis while providing employment to any employee. The commercial wisdom entails that burden of health insurance cost must be shared appropriately – in proportion to the benefits garnered because lifestyle approach of each employee greatly differs. It will not be out of place to mention that giants such as IBM provides rebates to workers on insurance costs who follow healthy lifestyles and penalizes those
Sunday, August 25, 2019
STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS - Essay Example The company was started in 1902 as a joint venture between Imperial Tobacco Company of United Kingdom and the American Tobacco Company of the USA. The parent companies agreed to carry out export businesses and form overseas subsidiaries to the joint venture. The company began operations in diversified counties outside UK and USA such as Canada, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia (Our history). In 1911, one of the parent companies, the American Tobacco Company, sold its shares of the company. Imperial Tobacco too slowly reduced its shareholding by 1980. In 1976, the companies held by the group were consolidated under a new holding company, called B.A.T Industries. In 1994, BAT took over its former parent, American Tobacco Company. However, in 1999 British American Tobacco formed a merger with Rothmans International, which made it the target of criticism from human rights groups. Similarly, in 2003, British American Tobacco bought Ente Tabacchi Italiani (ETI), Italys state tobacco company. British American Tobacco holds one of the most famous brands across the world. The international brands include Dunhill, Pall Mall, Benson & Hedges etc. The company has a gross turnover of over  £26 million and revenue of over  £10 million. The company employs over 53000 people (Our Brands). British American Tobacco strongly believes in conducting business with honesty, integrity and transparency. Not only it the right thing to do, but is also essential to the continuous development of a business. A business that is responsible, successful and sustainable in the long term. The company is committed to good corporate governance and believes in achieving business objectives in a responsible and consistent manner, at the same time following honesty, transparency and accountability. Corporate governance is not simply an exercise in compliance, but as a vital element defining the sustainable, long-term growth of business. According to the Sustainability Report
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The final project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The final project - Research Paper Example Precisely, behavioral aspect of budgeting is summarized as participation, budget slack, politics, group effects, motivation and feedback. Financial accountants, economists as well as financial analyst are all involved in the process of developing a budget (Deegan & Unerman, 2006). A budgeting design where by the people involved are active members of the business or organization is known as participative budgeting. This kind of budgetary design ends up creating budget that is more realistic and adoptable. It pulls up employees’ morale and it cats a gauge for their effort in the growth and development of the business and or organization (Shah, 2007). As opposed to top-down budget that is generally imposed on employees by the executive directors and managers, participative budgeting takes into account the opinions and contributions of others. However, if the budget design is purely participative then the resulting budget may not put into consideration some of the high level strategic plans. If an organization has to use participative budgeting design them the top management must serve other people involved in the process with write-ups indicative expected outcome of the budgeting process. In literature, the models of budgetary participation between superiors and subordinates have been identified, with emphasis on who has the greater influence on the budget outcome. (Brown et al., 2013; Brink et al., 2012; Chong, K., & Chong, M., 2002; Chenhall, 1986; Wentzel, 2002; Lindquist, 1995). While Brown et al. (2013). developed a subordinate and superior-set theory, Brink et al. (2012) made their division based on the roles superiors play in the budgetary process namely active or passive players. This subdivision alludes to the principle that budget outcomes are being determined by the interaction between superiors and subordinate. In Brown et al. (2013) subordinate set theory and Brink et al. (2012) committed
Friday, August 23, 2019
Emergency Preparedness and Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergency Preparedness and Response - Essay Example The laboratory workers identify the pathogen, and physicians notify the local health department and treat the patient (Hughes & Gerberding, 2002, p.1013; Harris & Yeskey, 2011). The latter serve as the early warning system in the prevention and response system (Harris & Yeskey, 2011). Once identified, state and national health agencies must be notified. Hughes and Gerberding (2002) stressed the importance of the â€Å"’golden triangle’ of response between clinicians and clinical microbiologists, the health-care delivery system, and public health officials†(p.1013). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) oversee the golden triangle. They allocate funding across health agencies. In response to the 2001 anthrax attacks, CDC created â€Å"rapid response teams composed of individuals with expertise in field operations, epidemiology, microbiology, data management, and communications†to assist affected areas (Hughes & Gerberding, 2002, p.1014). CDC is in charge of disseminating knowledge of new infections and treatment methods. However, communication is not well developed. Szpiro, Johnson and Buckeridge (2007) argued that early recognition and two – way communication between the health officials and clinics are insufficiently developed in the USA. As a result, a needed prophylactic distribution within three days after an attack cannot be achieved (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, 102, p.103). They argue that the health system needs to incorporate syndrome surveillance of all possible biological pathogens affecting humans, so that in case of an attack, symptoms can be recognized. Following the current suit of only few pathogen recognition abilities, most pathogens go unrecognized (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, p.103). However, in case of anthrax, since its occurrence dropped to zero after 1900, only one case would be necessary (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, p.104). Syndromic
Thursday, August 22, 2019
How I Learn to Driver Essay Example for Free
How I Learn to Driver Essay Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was learn how to drive a car. I was always afraid driving a car especially on the freeway with a lot of fast running vehicles. However, I figured that driving was an important skill that I needed to learn. I also thought it would be very helpful. In additional, learning to drive a car also boosts my confidence. New situation always make me nervous, my first driving lesson was no exception. My husband was my driving instructor. He taught me from the very beginning, how to start an engine. Slowly stepped on the accelerator and as the car started to moved, I kept reminding myself I can do it. I was very nervous trying to control the car. While on the road, I had my full attention to the instructions my husband was telling me that I forgot I needed to focus on the road also. This is when I realized I needed to multi task in order to drive, which is something I’m not very good at. Not only do I have to fully understand what my husband was telling me, I needed to also watch the road and control both the accelerator and maneuver. Learning how to drive was not easy for me at all, especially having my husband as my instructor, whom is very impatient. On the first few days he was teaching me, he was not able to control his anger. He would yell at me on every small mistake I had. Which made me even more nervous, also could not fully focus on my driving. But as more days passed, he learned how to be patient on me. He became very understanding, accepted that I am still in the learning process on how to drive. It made things easier for me because I did not have to deal with him yelling at me, he told me the instructions politely instead. This help me understand his instructions better, focused on the road more and less nervous. After a few weeks of driving around with my husband, I got used to driving. I learned most of the things I needed to learn on driving a car. It boosts my confidence to know what I was doing and was doing well on it. I realized that I was a lot more confident than to the day I first started. It made me feel really good inside to know this. My husband then taught me the hardest parts of driving, like how to park between two cars. It was a struggle because it was completely different to driving on the road. This time I have to deal with two parked cars that do not have drivers in it to prevent me from hitting their cars. Thus, it was all on me, I had all the control. It was up to me whether I end up hitting their car or not. It was a lot of pressure but after a long process being very careful, I made it in, without any scratches on any of the cars. I felt so accomplished. As I learned almost everything on driving, from learning how to drive and park and also the traffic laws, I began to feel very right with no nervousness at all. That’s when it hit me; I know how to drive already. I can be in the road by myself and know that nothing bad will happen. It was a wonderful feeling, the feelings of triumph and success. Learning to drive was not easy for me, but in the end my persistence paid off. Not only I did learn how to drive and to conquer my fear driving in the freeway but also I learned to comprehend and obey its rules. Now when I am faced something new situation I feel less nervous. I may feel uncomfortable to begin with it, but I know that as I practice being in the situation, my skills will get better. I know that as long as I practice on it, I will feel more and more comfortable with it. Now I am not afraid to try something new, something I never thought I would get from learning how to drive. Learning how to drive is a wonderful feeling, free feeling when you achieve a goal you have set for yourself.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Learning Expirience Essay Example for Free
Learning Expirience Essay Experience can shape our behavior and personality. More over our experiences contribute to our development over time. Learning process occurs when we experience situation that have negative or positive effect on us. In this essay I will briefly describe my personal learning experience; I will also define the concept of learning, and will provide analysis of what I have learned from this experience. In addition my essay will include the analysis and application of classical and operant conditioning as well as cognitive- social learning. My Experience Every person’s identity is formed by the various roles that they perform in the world. In fact becoming a mother is one more such role and it has psychological implications. Four month ago I became a mother to a wonderful, my first baby boy. The experience of giving birth, as well as being home with a newborn for the first few weeks was overwhelming, painful, and emotionally tiring. I am 25 years old and was so exciting to becoming a mother, however when my son was born for the first few weeks I have experienced anxiety, stress, depression, fear and even anger. It has been almost 4 month and my baby is my life, I cannot imagine how I was getting frustrated and feeling all those things when my baby is my joy. Today I am still tired, and stressed, however anger and depression is gone. I have learned from this experience that I need to accept the change in my life, and avoid becoming frustrated. Being prepared for things to be different could have prepared me to deal with situation differently. Also positive attitude should have been my best ally instead of being afraid and having negative thoughts. At last I have learned from this experience that I need to try to develop a new and balanced lifestyle that takes into consideration all areas of my new life. Learning Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience (David A. Kolb, 1984). As we learn, we alter the way we perceive our environment, the way we interpret the incoming stimuli, and therefore the way we interact, or behave (Carpenter Huffman, 2012). Learning through Classical Conditioning One of the best-known characteristics of behavioral learning theory is classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus (Carpenter Huffman, 2012). There are basic principles of classical conditioning process. Such as the unconditioned stimulus (UC) and unconditioned response (UR), as well as conditioned stimulus (CS) and conditioned response (CR) (Carpenter Huffman, 2012). The unconditioned stimulus is one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response (â€Å"The propositional nature of human associative learning,†2009). For example, baby crying made me feel sad and frustrated, and baby smiling made me feel loved, happy and positive. For instance, when I saw my bay for the first time the feeling of pain was simply gone. As I spend those first weeks with my baby although I have had mood swings and feeling of anger sometimes, however every time I looked at my baby I naturally felt better and calmer. The unconditioned response is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus. For example, feel of love in response to my baby smile is unconditioned stimulus. The conditioned stimulus is previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response (â€Å"The propositional nature of human associative learning,†2009). For example, when my baby cried I felt frustration and in the same time my husband was trying to explain me something thus my husband voice would be conditioned stimulus. Although the sound of my husband voice is unrelated to my baby’s cry and feeling of frustration, if the sound of his voice was paired multiple times with the baby’s cry, the sound would eventually trigger the conditioned response. The conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. For instance, feeling frustrated when I heard my husband talking to me. In my view classical conditioning is a useful technique that can be applied by creating a positive environment to help people to overcome anxiety, fear and frustration. For example, a situation like my baby’s crying with pleasant surroundings would have helped me to learn new associations. Instead of feeling anxious, frustrated and angry in that situation, I learn to stay relax and calm (Carpenter Huffman, 2012). Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning is a technique of learning that happens through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior (â€Å"The propositional nature of human associative learning,†2009). The elimination of an undesirable outcome can be used to decrease or prevent undesirable behavior. Feeling frustrated, being angry with situation simply led to more stress and created more problems for myself emotionally and physically. Positive reinforcement: Getting to know my baby, his first smile and lough created a positive and happy environment thus increasing my positive behavior. To conclude learning process revolves around human life. People learn something new every single day, thus creating new experiences and knowledge. Self-development and growth naturally occurs through learning.
Introduction To Deaf Culture Course Syllabus Education Essay
Introduction To Deaf Culture Course Syllabus Education Essay This is a course to provide students an introduction to the unique aspects of Deaf Culture and Deaf community. This course provides in-depth discussion of the beliefs and customs of this sociolinguistic/cultural minority in relation to language use and history of Deaf people in the United States of America. This course is intended for students who are interested in learning about Deaf Culture and the Deaf community. III. REQUISITES: Advisory: ENGL 051 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. or Assessment Skill Level W5 ENGL 056 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. or Assessment Skill Level R5 Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for SPED 104 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to: 1. Compare and contrast the phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States of America as seen from within that cultural group and as observed by people outside it. 2. Discuss, compare and contrast United States Deaf Culture and foreign Deaf Cultures. 3. Differentiate between the various aspects of United States of America Deaf community and Deaf Culture and United States of America Hearing communities and their culture(s). 4. Examine the relationships between Deaf children and their Deaf parents, Deaf children and their Hearing parents, and Hearing children and their Deaf parents. 5. Identify some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use; as opposed to sign system usage e.g. sign supported speech such as SEE1, SEE2; Oral Method; etc. 6. Describe how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and pattern. 7. Describe how American Sign Language fits into the family of human languages. 8. Summarize the historical ideas and perspectives from Hearing people about Deaf people, Deaf persons own perspectives about themselves. 9. Describe the historical development of Deaf Culture. 10. Identify past and present Deaf artists, writers and storytellers who influenced Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. 11. Compare and contrast the changing image of Deaf people and how the changes have influenced the art of Deaf people. 12. Identify and differentiate the social and political organizations of Deaf people. 13. Identify and describe the functions of various past and current devices used by Deaf people, and how these devices have changed over the years. 14. Describe how Deaf cultural values relate to technology and how technology has changed the Deaf Culture in the United States of America. V. COURSE CONTENT: The American Deaf: The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. The American Deaf: Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. Deaf Values and Behaviors: The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Deaf Values and Behaviors: Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. The American Sign Language: Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. Deaf Heritage: Summarizing and describing the historical ideas, perspectives and development of Deaf Culture, and the perspectives held by Hearing and Deaf people. VII. The Deaf Culture in Art: ASL Literature and Deaf Artists: Some past and present Deaf artists, and the changing image of Deaf people influencing the art of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. VIII. Organizations of Deaf People: Various organizations of Deaf people. IX. Technology and Deaf People: How technology affects the Deaf culture and the Deaf community. VI. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: A. Question and Answer Sessions B. Discussions C. Homework assignments D. Videotapes E. Vlogs F. PowerPoint Presentations VII.STUDENT EVALUATION: The breakdown of each line item for grading purposes are as follows: The following exams will consist of various questions such as filling in the blanks, matching, multiple choice, paragraph, short answer, T/F, etc.: Midà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœTerm Exam# 1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ 30% (The American Deaf, and Deaf Values and Behaviors) Mid-Term Exam #1 begins on March 16, 2011 from 12:01am to March 23, 2011 12:00 midnight (take the exam anytime that week). [from PowerPoint, Lead Questions assigned pages from three required textbooks (see class schedule on p. 6-9) pertaining to The American Deaf, and Deaf Values and Behaviors]. Midà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœTerm Exam #2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ 30% (The American Sign Language) Mid-Term Exam #2 begins on April 13, 2011 from 12:01am to April 20, 2011 12:00 midnight (take the exam anytime that week). [from PowerPoint, Lead Questions assigned pages from three required textbooks (see class schedule on p. 9-10) pertaining to The American Sign Language]. C. Individual Written Report à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ 5% (see Roman numeral VIII Individual Written Report p. 3 p. 13-16 of the syllabus). 1. Due on May 16, 2011 D. Final Exam à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ 35% (Deaf Heritage, The Deaf Culture in Art, Organizations of Deaf People, and Technology and Deaf People) Final Exam on May 18, 2011 from 12:01am to May 21, 2011 12:00 midnight (take the exam anytime during these four days). [from PowerPoint, Lead Questions assigned pages from three required textbooks (see class schedule on p. 10-11) pertaining to Deaf Heritage, The Deaf Culture in Art, Organizations of Deaf People, and Technology and Deaf People]. *Students with disabilities who may need academic accommodations should discuss options with their professors during the first two weeks of class. INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN REPORT: Each student is to select one textbook from pages 14 -16 of the course syllabus or a textbook not listed that focuses on the humanistic aspects of Deaf people (student must request approval from professor). Each student should follow the Written Report guidelines on page 13 of the course syllabus as closely as possible. *One Individual Written Report due on May 16, 2011. LEAD QUESTIONS: These are questions I have developed to prepare you for the Midterm Exams and Final Exam. Answers to Lead Questions will be provided on March 9th, April 6th, and May 11th. X. REQUIRED TEXTS: A. Ladd, P. (2003). Understanding Deaf Culture In Search of Deafhood, Buffalo, NY: Multilingual Matters LTD; ISBN: 1-85359-545-4 B. Lane, Harlan; Hoffmeister, Robert and Bahan, Ben (1996) A Journey into the Deaf World, Dawn Sign Press; ISBN: 0à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ915035à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ63à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ4 C. Moore, M. S. Levitan, L. (2003). For Hearing People Only 3rd ed. Rochester, NY: Deaf Life Press; ISBN: 0-9634-016-3-7 XI. RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL TEXTS: A. Gannon, J. R. (1981). Deaf Heritage (A Narrative History of Deaf America), Silver Spring, MD: NAD Padden, C. Humphries, T. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Van Cleve, J. V. (1993) Deaf History Unveiled, Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY * Students are responsible to pay all fees and process the ADD code for the course within the established time frame. Students will not be able to continue in the course if the enrollment process is not completed within the given time frame. * Students are responsible to drop the course as to avoid the potential of having a grade be assigned for the course at the end of the course. *Students are expected to respect and obey standards of student conduct while in class and on the campus. (Policy 3100 and Procedures 3100.1 and 3100.2) Charges of misconduct and disciplinary sanctions may be imposed upon students who violate these standards of conduct or provisions of college regulations. In addition, instructors expect appropriate classroom participation and conduct. Monopolizing classroom discussions, being uncooperative, talking during lecture, using profanity, reading unrelated material, and using electronic equipment (texting, chirps, ring mode) are examples of behavior that may not be tolerated. Bringing children to class is not allowed. Regarding talking in class, the student will be warned once, and if the student disregards the warning, s/he will be requested to leave the class for (1) one day resulting in (1) one class absence. The next warning will result the student requested to leave the class and miss (2) two consecutive classes. This inevitably means the student will fall behind in his/her class work. *Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable and will not be tolerated in accordance with the college student code of conduct and basic standards of academic honesty. Violations of standards of academic honesty will be reported to the college disciplinary office for appropriate action. *If you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. There are three questions you should never ask the instructor: Did I miss anything? Of course you did. Did we do anything important? Of course we did. Can you tell me what I missed? No. You are responsible for everything that happens in a class, so you are responsible for gathering whatever information you have missed. *At the beginning of each of your classes, you should identify a study buddy, someone you can study with on a regular basis or just call in emergencies. AMSL 104 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ INTRODUCTION TO DEAF CULTURE Class Schedule Week One Jan. 24: Introduction and Overview UDC: Introduction: pp. 1-9, 14-19, 21-25, Ch. 1: pp. 32-39. Week One Jan. 26: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 5 pp. 124à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ130. Week Two Jan. 31: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. UDC: Ch. 1: pp. 26-32; pp. 39-48. Week Two Feb. 2: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. UDC: Ch. 1: pp. 59-64; pp. 72-73. Week Three Feb. 7: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. UDC: Ch. 5: pp. 232-266. Week Three Feb. 9: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. FHPO: Ch. 10, 37,38, 39 40. Week Four Feb. 14: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. FHPO: Ch. 51, 52, 53, 55 56. Week Four Feb. 16: The American Deaf The phenomena of culture among Deaf people in the United States and foreign Deaf cultures. Distinguishing the various aspects of United States of America Deaf/Hearing communities and Deaf/Hearing Cultures. The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. FHPO: Ch. 57, 58, 59, 60 77. *Week Five Feb. 21: Washingtons Birthday Week Five Feb. 23: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 1 pp. 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ23; Ch. 2 pp. 24à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ41. FHPO: Ch. 21, 22, 23, 24, 44, 85, 90, 95. Week Six Feb. 28: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 3 pp. 67à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ77; Ch. 7 pp. 213à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ227. FHPO: Ch. 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 111. Week Six March 2: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 13 pp. 369à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ378. FHPO: Ch. 112, 113, 114, 115, 116. Week Seven March 7: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 15 pp. 408à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ425. FHPO: Ch. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121. Week Seven March 9: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 15 pp. 437à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ451. *Answers to Lead Questions provided. Week Eight March 14: Deaf Values and Behaviors The relationships between Deaf/Hearing children and their Deaf/Hearing parents. Some basic values and behaviors of United States of America Deaf people related to language use. FHPO: Ch. 122, 123, 128, 130 131. Week Eight March 16 to March 23: Midà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœTerm Exam #1 Week Nine March 21: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 3 pp. 42à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ51. Week Nine March 23: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 3 pp. 63à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ66. Week Ten March 28: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 4 pp. 78à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ123. Week Ten March 30: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. FHPO: Ch. 3 6. Week Eleven April 4: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. FHPO: Ch. 7 11. Week Eleven April 6: The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. FHPO: Ch. 17 18. *Answers to Lead Questions provided. Week Twelve April 11 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ The American Sign Language Recognizing, comparing and describing how ASL fits into a linguistic framework and into the family of human languages. FHPO: Ch. 19 67. Week Twelve April 13 to April 20: Midà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœTerm Exam #2 Week Thirteen April 18: Spring Recess: No classes held Week Thirteen April 20: Spring Recess: No classes held Week Fourteen April 25: Deaf Heritage Summarizing and describing the historical ideas, perspectives and development of Deaf Culture, and the perspectives held by Hearing and Deaf people. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 3 pp. 51à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ63; Ch. 14 pp. 379à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ386. UDC: Ch. 2: pp. 90-133; Ch. 3: pp. 135-161. Week Fourteen April 27: Deaf Heritage Summarizing and describing the historical ideas, perspectives and development of Deaf Culture, and the perspectives held by Hearing and Deaf people. UDC: Ch. 7: pp. 297-329; Ch. 8: pp. 332-366. FHPO: Ch. 1, 4, 8, 13, 28, 29, 78, 99, 100, 101, 102 129. Week Fifteen May 2: The Deaf Culture in Art: ASL Literature and Deaf Artist Some past and present Deaf artists, and the changing image of Deaf people influencing the art of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 5 pp. 138à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ158. Week Fifteen May 4: The Deaf Culture in Art: ASL Literature and Deaf Artist Some past and present Deaf artists, and the changing image of Deaf people influencing the art of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. UDC: Ch. 1: pp. 48-56. Week Sixteen May 9: The Deaf Culture in Art: ASL Literature and Deaf Artist Some past and present Deaf artists, and the changing image of Deaf people influencing the art of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. FHPO: Ch. 9, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 68. Week Sixteen May 11: Organizations of Deaf People, Technology and Deaf People Various organizations of Deaf people How technology affects the Deaf culture and the Deaf community. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 5 pp. 131à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ138; pp. 138à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ158. UDC: Ch. 1: pp. 64-72. *Answers to Lead Questions provided. Week Seventeen May 16: Organizations of Deaf People, Technology and Deaf People Various organizations of Deaf people How technology affects the Deaf culture and the Deaf community. JDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ËœW: Ch. 15 pp. 431à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ437. FHPO: Ch. 75, 76, 103 125. *Individual Written Reports Due. Week Seventeen May 18 to 21: Final Exam *Professor reserves the right to modify the instruction schedule Important Dates: February 4 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Last day to receive and process an add code issued by the instructor. Last day to process and pay for add codes. Deadline to drop classes with no W recorded. February 7 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Last day to drop and be eligible for refund of enrollment fees and/or nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœresident tuition.  · April 1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Withdrawal deadline à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ No drops accepted after this date.  °Ã‚ It is the students responsibility to drop all classes in which he/she is no longer participating.  °Ã‚ It is the instructors discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadline February 7th due to excessive absences.  °Ã‚ Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in this class. WRITTEN REPORT This report should be about 5 typewritten pages. Papers may be handed in early, but NO late papers will be accepted. The papers should be typed in DS (double spaced) with size 12 font. The first paragraph should briefly summarize the story idea as you understand it. The second paragraph should describe how you felt as you read the story. Did you experience any changes of feelings as you read along? What were they? Third, answer the question, Do you think this could have really happened? Explain your answer. This question may or may not apply to your story. Fourth, describe the major characters. What kind of people were they? Fifth, select one incident from the story that seemed especially important to you and why you chose that particular incident. REFERENCE MATERIALS LIST (ASL or DEAF CULTURE Classes) DEAF CULTURE Bowe, Frank (1986) Changing the Rules, T. J. Publishers, Inc. Breindel, Tina Jo (1999) Quotes from Deaf Women for a Positive Life. Dawn Sign Press Cohen, Leah Hager (1994) Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World, Random House Drolsbaugh, Mark (1997) Deaf Ate, Handwave Publications Eastman, Gil (2000) Just a DEAF Persons Thoughts II. Linstok Press Erting, Carol (1994) Deafness. Communication.. Social Identity. Sign Media, Inc. Erting, Carol J. Johnson, Robert C. Smith, Dorothy L. Snider, Bruce N. (1994) Deaf Way: The International Celebration of the Language. Culture. History, and Arts of Deaf People Gallaudet University Press Farb, Anita B. (1998) Unrealized Visions: Whats Next for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community?. NAD Garretson, Mervin D. (1994) Life Culture. Harris Publishing Co. Garretson, Mervin D. (1995) Life Culture II. Harris Publishing Co. Garretson, Mervin D. (1996) Historical Perspectives, Harris Publishing Co. Glickman, Ken (1999) A Proverbial Professors Points to Ponder. Harris Publishing Co. Hairston, Ernest Smith, Linwood (1983) Black and Deaf in America. T.J. Publishers, Inc. Holcomb, Roy Holcomb, Samuel Holcomb, Thomas (1995) Deaf Culture. Our Way. Dawn Sign Press Jacobs, Leo M. (1989) A Deaf Adult Speaks Out, Gallaudet University Press Jepson, Jill (1992) No Walls of Stone: An Anthology of Literature bar Deaf and Hard of Healing Writers. Gallaudet University Press Kannapell, Barbara (1993) Language Choice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Identity Choice. Linstok Press Lane, Harlan (1992) The Mask of Benevolence. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Maher, Jane (1996) Seeing Language in Sign: The Work of William C. Stokoe, Gallaudet University Press Moore, Matthew Scott Panara, Robert F. (1996) Great Deaf Americans: The Second Edition, Deaf Life Press Padden, Carol and Humphries, Tom (1988) Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture, Harvard University Press Paris, Damara Goff Drolsbaugh, Mark (1999) Deaf Esprit: Inspiration. Humor and Wisdom from the Deaf Community, AGO Gifts and Publications Podmore, Ron (1995) Sins in Success: Profiles of Deaf Americans, Harris Publishing Co. Rutherford, Susan (1993) A Study of American Deaf Folklore. Linstok Press Sacks, Oliver (1989) _See~ g Voices: A Journey into the World of the Deaf, Harper Collins Schaller, Bob (1999) The Kenny Walker Story, Harris Publishing Co. Schein, Jerome D. (1989) At Home Among Strangers, Gallaudet University Press Stokoe, William (1980) Sign and Culture: A Reader for Students of ASL, Linstok Press Toole, Darlene (1996) Living Legends: Six Stories About Successful Deaf People. Butte Publications, Inc. Toole, Darlene (1998) Living Legends II: Six Stories About Successful Deaf People , Butte Publications, Inc. Winefield, Richard (1987) Never the Twain Shall Meet: The Communications Debate. Gallaudet University Press Woodward, James (1982) How You Gonna Get to Heaven If You Cant Talk With Jesus: On Depathologizing Deafness. T.J. Publishers Wright, Mary Herring (1999) Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black and Deaf in the South, Gallaudet University Press DEAF HISTORY Albronda, Mildred (1994) Douglas Tilden: The Man and His Legacy, Mildred Albronda, Publisher Boynton, Douglas C. (1998) Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign Against Sign Language. 1847à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1920, University of Chicago Press Carroll, Cathryn Mather, Susan M.(1997) Movers Shakers: Deaf People Who Changed the World. Dawn Sign Press Gannon, Jack R. (1981) Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America NAD Groce, Nora Ellen (1985) Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language,, Harvard University Press Jankowski, Katherine A. (1997) Deaf Empowerment: Emergence. Struggle. Rhetoric Gallaudet University Press Lane, Harlan (1984) When the Mind Hears. Random House, Inc. Van Cleve, John (1993) Deaf History Unveiled: Interpretations from the New Scholarship, Gallaudet University Press Van Cleve, John and Crouch, Barry (1989) A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America. Gallaudet University Press AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Battison, Robbin (1978) Lexical Borrowing In American Sign Language. Linstok Press Stokoe, William (1993) Sign Language Structure. Linstok Press Valli, Clayton Lucas, Ceil (1979) ASL PAH! ! Deaf Students Essays About Their Language. Sign Media, Inc. Wilcox, Sherman (1992) Academic Acceptance of American Sign Language Sign Media, Inc. Woodward, James (1994) Describing Variation in American Sign Language, Linstok Press
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Essay --
Within the past 20 years dropout rates have become a worldwide pandemic. Not to mention the ripples that follow that. These ripples include a higher percentage of the populous under the poverty line, with could then result in a global impact. This creates a serious problem, for not only the United States, but the rest of the world as the world economy is a reflection of our own. With that said, how will the teen pregnancy rates affect the dropout percentage? And how will informing the populous about America’s teen pregnancy issue lower the percentage of dropouts in American Schooling. In 2011, a total of 329,797 babies were born to teenagers of the ages from fifteen to nineteen, with â€Å"a live birth rate of 31.3 per 1,000 women in this age group.†(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) This becomes a record low within this age group, and a drop from â€Å"8% from 2010. Birth rates fell 11% for women aged 15–17 years, and 7% for women aged 18–19 years.†(CDC) This drop is acceptable but it’s not something to rely on, as all of this depends how sexually active those teens are, there may theoretically be a birth rate to jump up to fifty percent. Additionally, research by both Claus C Pà ¶rtner and D. Mark Anderson, who are both respectable professors in the University of Washington’s economic department, have established that â€Å"increasing the minimum drop out age leads to higher income, better health, higher self-reported happiness, [and] less crime†(Lochner and Moretti; Oreopoulos; Black, Devereu x and Salvanes; Anderson) If the only outcome is something positive, why has it not been changed? Some would say that it is all theoretical and untrustworthy. Yet it has still not been addressed. Another possible cause to this is the ne... Furthermore, none of these programs showed promise in the delaying of sexual initiation among youth enrolled in these programs. Additionally, none of the programs showed promise in obtaining factual data to conclude that abstinence can reduce other sexual risk-taking behaviors among participants. More specifically, a â€Å"2003 Pennsylvania evaluation found that the state-sponsored programs were largely ineffective in delaying sexual onset or promoting skills and attitudes consistent with sexual abstinence. Arizona and Kansas had similar findings of no change in behaviors. A 2004 evaluation from Texas found no significant changes in the percentage of students who pledged not to have sex until marriage. As in two other studies, the Texas analysis revealed that the percentage of students who reported having engaged in sexual intercourse increased for nearly all ages.â€
Monday, August 19, 2019
Technical Documentation :: Computer Science
Technical Documentation The software that will be used for The Castletown High School System will be Microsoft Excel. This is a spreadsheet program that allows the user to carryout calculation and functions by using formulas. The machine should have a printer attached to it so that the users are able to print their work when they are done. The users of the system do not need to be overly good with computers but they do need a basic knowledge of how the system operates. The system has been designed to help those users who are not overly good with computers. This system should be opened by an icon on the desktop this will make it easier and quicker for the users to access. Each of the buttons included in the homepage has a macro attached to it which performs a specific task: Enter Results: This button takes you to a screen were you select which class you would like to enter results for when you chose the class you are then taken to the results entry form where you can enter the results for each pupil for your specific subject. Streaming List: This button also takes you to a page that asks you which class you would like to stream when you have chosen this you will be brought to the streaming list were you can stream that class but also compare the male and female results in a graph. Pupil Report: This button allows you to create a pupil report when you click this button you will go again to the class selection. When you chose the class you must then chose which of the pupils you wish to do a report on when you do this you will be brought to the report sheet were all the pupils details including grades will already be entered. Lookup(Grade,GradeLookupTable) This formula is used to work out the grade for the pupils. This is done by the formula checking the percentages against a table. ROUND(Mark/Max_Mark)*100 When the Mark and the Max Mark have been entered by the user the above formula will automatically work out the percentage. This button when pressed will bring the user back out of the Data Entry Form back to the main menu. Data Validation This is the error message that appears if the user inputs a number that is greater than the max mark. This is the basic layout of my report. Text Box: When the report is opened the information for Aine Boyle is automatically taken from the database and displayed in the streaming list, so the user only has to fill in there comment manually.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay: Loyalty and Justice in Julius Caesar
Loyalty and Justice in Julius Caesar  In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, one must read the text closely to track the shifting motivations and loyalties of each character as the play progresses. An important factor that must be kept in mind while reading is the degree of loyalty, in other words, the degree to which characters act out of a motivation to help others. Throughout the play, each character's current degree of loyalty to others is clearly exhibited by words or behavior – this holds true for the characters of Brutus, Cassius, Antony, Portia, and Calpurnia. The focus on loyalty is critical because before the play ends an even-handed justice is meted out to a number of people who fail to live up to an expected standard of loyalty to others.            Mark Antony, for example, begins the play strongly loyal to Caesar, and his actions through the death of Caesar in Act 3 are clearly motivated by his desire to support Caesar's cause. Something goes wrong somewhere, though, as by 4.1 Antony is engaged in dividin...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Environmental Safety Essay
What would happen if businesses ignored social responsibility? what would happen if environmental safety was not considered? The world would be full of toxic elements and wastes. Businesses have to ensure social responsibility as part of the society. Social responsibility is the involvement of a business in social matters to ensure product safety, good services,employees good health and the general societal development. As Lance says, â€Å"Businesses have an obligation to the community†(Besser, 2002. 13). This, a business should do alongside the real aims a business was set up for. They are therefore said to be interdependent with the society. For a business to accomplish social responsibility, a social issue has to be identified, analyzed then implemented thus responding to the development of the society (Besser, 2002). IDENTIFICATION: There are so many social issues a business has to deal with, for example employee issues just to ensure employee’s good health and good working conditions,legal issues that demand for operation according to the rule of law, economic issues that requires production of quality and safe goods and services, and the ethical issues that considers ethical matters in a society (Hughes and Kapoor. 9th edition). The main issue in this discussion is environmental safety. This is classified as a legal issue but can as well be an ethical issue since the society is not asleep (Hughes and Kapoor. 9th edition). Harming the community is not acceptable and a business would never have success with that. The society will rebel, and who would deal with such a business anyway? Do you think a society would need goods and services from a business that does not put into consideration there health and wellbeing? Environmental pollution has always been a barrier to good business and customer relationship if in any case a business does not handle that carefully. For a business to ensure success among other managerial duties, it has to implement programs to deal with the social issue and ensure safety by preventing and reducing pollution. This kind of pollution can be through many ways from a business. When it is an industry, there could be air pollution due to the toxic gases produced during production processes. There could also be air pollution due to radioactive materials within the company. Environmental safety mostly deals with businesses that produce toxic materials and waste to the environment. Waste products therefore also pose a big threat to pollution if not disposed appropriately. The other is water pollution due to toxic waste dumped to water sources (Environmental Protection Agency, 2008) . ANALYSIS: A business has always to consider it’s managerial integrity, the ethical values, the philosophy of operation as well as commitment to organizational competence when dealing with a social issue (Besser, 2002). Analysis is a tough area for the business plus considering how it will implement it. But there is a governmental organization, with the control systems that help the businesses meet the requirements for social responsibility. For the environmental issue,the U. S Environmental Protection Agency offers guidelines and compliance programmes to various pollution prevention methods (Environmental Protection Agency, 2008). Therefore a business has just to analyze the sources of pollution within it and what likely can cause pollution and look for control methods from the Environmental Protection Agency. There are various ways pollution can occur, through water, air, air and radiation, and wastes (Environmental Protection Agency, 2008 ). The business should look for the guidelines, requirements, and any methodologies for every source of pollution from the business. IMPLEMENTATION: Good management is required for the success of a business. Just as stated before, one of the managerial duties is dealing with social responsibility. A business has to draw out a plan in order to implement this. Programs with the steps for implementation are different and are used on preference. Just like the advocates of the social responsiveness program prefer their program due to certain beneficial factors to them (Besser, 2002). A business therefore has to select that program which it prefers based on it’s own reasons of benefits. One of the steps to implementation is the three concentric circles of the CED. This includes the inner circle, that deals with the economic responsibility ensuring quality and safe products and the provision of jobs and services. The intermediate circle which ensures the business policies and practices are consistent to the societal values. The last circle which calls for the business to work towards community development. A second program with steps that could be used is the social involvement program. This program does not believe in social responsibility as the advocates refused the name of social responsibility before. They prefer social responsiveness and therefore has activities that deal with the consequences due to the business’s activities in the process of accomplishing their mission of economic function to the society. This therefore ensures product quality and safety, reduced and prevented pollution of the environment thereby meeting social requirements. A third program is the Carrol’s category of social responsibility. Carrol’s program is based on the views that the society expects more than economic duties by the businesses. The steps are in order of importance, with economic responsibility being the first, followed by the legal issues then ethical and lastly discretionary responsibilities that demands for social improvements. The ethical issue requires a business to conduct it’s activities in an ethical manner. Legal needs production following the rules of law (Besser, 2002). For a business to ensure environmental safety, it can choose from either of the programs. Being that the national safety standards for the environment are already set by the Environmental Protection agency by the United States government. Implementation then is done. Social responsibility, has to be part of the business. Good relationship between society and business leads to more sales therefore more profit and the big blessing is success! References Besser T. , 2002. The conscience of Capitalism-Business social Responsibility to communities. Greenwood publishing group. IOWA U. S Environmental Protection. Compliance and Enforcements retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/compliance/business/? cm_sp=ExternalLink-_-Federal-_-EPA
Friday, August 16, 2019
Globalization And It Effects Essay
I. AN OVERVIEW. With the growing standards of the world and the existing concepts and complexities in political, economic and socio-cultural ideologies, man has always and continuously pondered over the aspects of his nature. Unity, equality, trade and commerce are at the forefront of man’s complexities. With these thoughts in mind, man has moved through history trying to satisfy his desires in relation to others. The advent of the twenty-first century gave birth to the idea of making the world a single village, thus, globalization. Globalization is the most talk-about issues in the 21st century. However, there is the difficulty of the world to come up with a single and uniform definition. This is because, so many people doubt if the happenings in the world today are as a result of globalization. Thus, due to these global differences of what this concept actually is about, globalization has grown to involve aspects not only of economy, but politics and other socio-cultural issues. Globalizati on affects almost every human being, this is because the process of globalization is said to have expanded almost through out the entire world either through transport, commerce, and communication. In addition, man’s activities on the globe are all located under these sectors. Culture, as a way of living of man, is identified by every one immediately after birth and was often seen as distinct from one another. However, with advent of the process of globalization, there is now the integration and homogenization of cultures. â€Å"Homogenization of cultures is the loss of diversity of culture between two or more cultural groups†. Thus, our topic, â€Å"globalization and its effects on cultural integration in the Czech Republic†The Czech Republic is a country with a rich cultural heritage with works of art seen in theatres, cinemas, libraries, globally recognized galleries, museums and concert halls and with well-maintained traditions especially, in the villages of the Moravian-Silesian region. These villages remain as a sign of the cultural taste of the specific areas. II. THE PROBLEM. Human beings with unlimited quest for wants have let to the advent of the process of globalization. This has come through a dramatic expansion in the volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services. The development of new technologies used for information, communication and transportation; and the huge increase in international flow of capital, has gone a long way to affect the economic, political, environmental and socio-cultural sectors of many countries in the world, both positive and negative. Effects on globalization on cultural integration being our topic of discussion, in recent years there have been programs carried out by the government bodies, United Nations, the European Union and the Non-governmental organizations for the integration of immigrants and foreigners in the Czech Republic. As a way of encouraging integration, the ministry of culture represents intercultural dialogue within the state policy. The ministry also give support to cultural activities of members of national minorities living in the country, support for integration of members of the Roma community and immigrants. The Department of Arts, Libraries, Department of Media, and Audiovisual Policies have also supported intercultural projects. Non- governmental organizations such as: Organization for Aid to Refugees, (OPU), People in Need, and Czech Mobility Center and â€Å"Ethnic Friendly employer†. III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY. The main objective of this study is to examine globalization and its effects on cultural integration in the Czech Republic. Other objectives are to examine the effects of globalization on the economic, political and socio-cultural domains in the Czech Republic in general. To determine how globalization has contributed to the transformation of the national sovereignty to global sovereignty. It is also to examine the current rate of integration and the characteristics of the people in the cultural integration process. Furthermore, the study is intended to identify and describe the techniques in which people become culturally integrated and the number of questions being raised. It is also aimed at examining the role of government, the United Nations the World Bank, the NGOs, the Foreigners, Immigrants, in the cultural integration process. Finally, it is to examine the constraints and consequences of cultural integration, since the long-term results are leaving a legacy positively and negatively. As we move towards the third millennium, a rational planning scheme and utilization of cultures should remain the major pre-occupation of the society. IV.HYPOTHESES In order to carry out the study and achieve the stated objectives, a number of hypotheses were advanced to address the problem; i) Globalization and cultural integration form an interrelated spiral. There is, the more there the futures of globalization, the more there is cultural integration. ii) Intensification of trade and commerce and communication is the main cause of cultural integration in the Czech Republic. V. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY. The later part of the 20th century has seen a remarkable growth in the level of popular concern for environmental, political, economic and socio-cultural issues, which have come as a result of the advent of the globalization process. It is becoming increasingly clear that if the present environmental crisis is not confronted immediately, we stand the risk of having serious and irreversible effects on our world. The Czech Republic has an interest in its cultural protection. That is why the government in order to preserve the Czech culture organizes annual cultural festivals in the country. However, there is little evidence that sufficient steps have been taken to ensure effective protection is done. This is due to the fact that the local communities, which are directly concerned with the culture, are not often considered when making policies concerning their culture, management and protection. Hence, a study of this nature could have results, which are beneficial in a number of ways. Some of these include; To raise awareness of the community on the significance and ways of proper management of cultural issues, To address a number of problems, caused by globalization and its effects on the cultural integration, To provide policy makers and research institutions with the basic data, this would help in designing new program that will be real and problem specific, To provide citizens of not only the Czech Republic but European Union members as well on the currents effects of changes on cultural issues as a result of globalization. VI. METHODOLOGY VI.IIData Collection Although the writer has interacted for some time in this area, and has grown up with a wealth of knowledge of the Czech culture, a further reading was carried out in order to further knowledge of the recent changes in the Czech culture due to the advent of globalization. The theoretical and empirical research was most based on secondary sources and official websites like the Czech Statistical Office, the Ministry of Labor Youths and Sports and Eurostat. Most of the research was mostly on secondary sources were mostly consulted. Several textbooks, journals, unpublished dissertations and other related publications on the subject were also consulted. VI.II. Data Analysis The descriptive techniques were used in analyzing the data collected from sources such as the Czech statistical Office, and Eurostat website. These techniques included the use of tables and graphs with the calculations of percentages, and averages. In addition to this, the data was illustrated in bar charts, and histograms. This can be seen in chapter three. VII. Limitations of the Study The first limitation is that even when the researcher tried to carry a review on some research in the libraries on the effects of globalization on cultural integration in the Czech Republic, there of few textbooks, which have dealt with this topic. Secondly, even with the few ones, some there were mostly in other languages like the Czech language. So due to the scarcity on text books on the topic and the hindrance to consult some of the available ones most of the materials were been extracted from official websites like the Czech Statistics Office, Eurostat, the Ministry of Youths and Sports. Another constraint on the research was that of finance. Some of materials found on the Internet were on sale, and couple with the financial constraints, the researcher was unable to reach all of the available materials. VIII. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AREA The study area is situated between latitude 49 ° 45 N of the equator and longitude 15  º 30 E of the Greenwich Meridian. Czech Republic is found in the central Europe, bordered in east by Slovakia, in the south by Austria, in the north by Poland and in the west by Germany. It has a land cover of 78,864 sq. kilometers with a population of 10.2 million inhabitants. Major cities include, Prague (the capital city), Brno, Plzen, Olomouc, Karlovy Vary, Ceske Budejovice, Cesky Krumlov, Liberec, Hradec Kralove, Bechyne, Kolin, Pelhrimov, Sumperk, Trebon , Uherske Hradiste and Bruntal. The main ethnic groups in the Czech Republic include; the Czech who are about 9.25 million of the population, the Moravian (more than 380,000), the Slovak about (193.000), the Roma about (171.000), the Silesians (11.000), the Polish (52.000), the Germans (39.000), the Ukrainian (22.000) and the Vietnamese (18.000) Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (January 2008). Map 1 The Map Of The Czech Republic Source: World CHAPTER ONE: DEFINITION OF TERMS. Going back to the topic of our thesis, â€Å"Globalization and effects on cultural integration in the Czech Republic†, there is the need to define what globalization actually is. With the growing debate of what when the globalization phenomenon began and it actual meaning, some social science theorists have come forth with the definition of globalization both from the classical and the contemporary era. 1.1 Definition of Globalization Walters says the Webster’s dictionary is the first major dictionary to mention the word globalization in 1961. The dictionary defines globalization as â€Å"to render global†or â€Å"the act of globalizing†cited in Malcolm Walters (2001:2). The concept globalization has now being use by many academics and there has been a debate on when the concept of globalization actually began. There are some who have perceived the concept of globalization has been in to existence before this period. Thus, the below mentioned are some of the definitions of globalization posed by various social science theorists. Marx (1977) is considered by social theorists as the first author to focus on the dimensional approach in the explanation of the concept of globalization; He explained the globalization phenomenon, basing his argument on the economic factor. Marx in his dependency theory saw that the political-territorial boundaries remain intact and will disappear under a future proletarian supremacy. This is seen because, immediately after his death on 14th of March 1883, his ideas began to invoke a major influence on workers revolts in the world such as, Bolsheviks movement also known as the October revolution in Russia in October 25 1917. Wallerstein (1974) is another diamensionalist, who focuses on the economic view on the definition of globalization. Taking from the works of Marx’s dependence theory, in his world systems theory where he developed a theoretical framework to understand the historical changes involved in the rise of the modern world, defines globalization as, â€Å"an increasing level of interdependence between national systems by way of trade, military alliance and domination, and cultural imperialism†cited in Walters (2001:4). Robertson Roland has been considered as one of the most prominent writers of issues of globalization. He explains globalization in the cultural domain. In is text, â€Å"Globalization as a Problem†in The Globalization Reader says ‘globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole†Cited in Frank Lechner and John Boli (2004:94) For Wallerstein, the world started going compression since the beginning of the sixteenth century, but Robertson; he argues that the history of globalization is far longer. For Robertson, through an increase in world wide consciousness a person is looked at and is examined by the whole world and not just by his or her own local environment in which he/she lives. However, both Wallerstein and Robertson’s ideas of the intensification of the world wide consciousness is said to match. According to Giddens globalization is seen as â€Å"the intensification of world wide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa†Giddens (1990:4). These local happenings were said to be may be influenced by distant events and not just the local events, which all have been influenced by the forces of globalization. Looking at Giddens (1990) and Robertson’s (1992) definitions, Giddens believes modernity has come as a result of globalization. That is, he considers modernity to be inherently globalizing. For Giddens globalization is said to have started during the sixteenth century onwards and in Europe in particular. However, in Robertson’s opinion, the problem of globalization is not new. He believes the social compression of the world has begun before the sixteenth century as predicted by Giddens. He predicts modernity and the rise of capitalism to be the cause of the rise of globalization. That is for Robertson, modernization has an influence on globalization. In addition, because of this, it led to a high level of consciousness and the present situation where we in the present day are unable to trace the diffusion of globalization across a large number of areas in the different parts of the world. However, what can be said is that both Giddens and Robertson have tried to show that people are now able to see and understand issues beyond their immediate environments due to the emergence of the concept of globalization. Luhmann in his explanation of globalization focuses more on communication. For him communication is the major factor of globalization. He thus defines globalization as â€Å"the transition from integration to differentiation, from territorial society to world society; from identity to difference; from ‘stratified’ differentiation to ‘functional’†Luhmann (1982:133, 229). Armand refers globalization as â€Å"one of those tricky words, one of those instrumental notions that, under the effects of market logics and without citizens being aware of it have been naturalized to the point of becoming indispensable for establishing communication between people of different cultures†Armand (2000:97). For Armand, globalization has a dominant role in organizing and decoding the meaning of the world. In a similar manner, Beynon John and Dunkerley David in their general introduction to globalization: the reader, made the claim that â€Å"globalization is impacting on the lives of everyone on the †¦ globalization might justifiably be claimed to be the defining features of human society at the state of the twenty-first century†Beynon John and Dunkerley David (2000: 3). Beck on his text, What is globalization, he says globalization is the â€Å"blanket term†and thus describe it to be â€Å"the processes through which Sovereign national states are criss-crossed and undermined by transnational actors with varying prospects of power, orientation, identities and networks†Beck (2000:11). Beck also referred globalization as the â€Å"intensification of transnational space, events, problems, conflicts and biographies†(ibid: 87). He argues that we are moving into a ‘second modernity’ that is seen through growth of the economy, the information and communication technologies, civil society communications and the changes in the environment. He sees globalization to be discontinuous, conflictual and ill reversible because for him, it not different from any other historical process. Although Beck contributed in the explanation of modernity just like other social scientists like Giddens and Marx, he never saw any good in this process. He thus focused more of his attention on the bad side of modernity, which he called a â€Å"risk society†. That is, the new modernity is only concern with the â€Å"prevention, minimization and channeling of risk†Cited in Ritzer (2000:222). Waters Malcolm defines globalization in a less political approach as ‘a social process in which the constraints of geography on economic, political, social, and cultural arrangements recede, in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding and in which people act accordingly’ Walters (200:15). The idea that people are conscious that they are receding (been carried away can to some how be argued. This is because; at time, some people are not always conscious of the fact that the processes globalization is affecting them. People may be moving or acting through the forces of globalization unconscious. Held and McGrew also defines globalization as a â€Å"process (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions – assessed in terms of their extensity, intensity, velocity and impact- generating transcontinental or inter-regional flows and networks of activity†Held and McGrew (1999:16). Thus, considering the views of the above-cited authors, globalization can be defined as intensification of economic, political, and socio-cultural relations in the localities of the world. Alternatively, it can be seen as the development of equal opportunities in the political, economic, socio-cultural realms of all nations in the world. It’s also related to the spread of modernization throughout the world. Globalization indicates increase linkages between people, goods and technology. It is a process whereby, national business enterprises and markets become world wide or international. That is, a situation whereby businesses which were been carried out within a particular country are now been extended to other countries across the globe. Globalization is the process of making the village a single entity. That is with the advent of globalization there is the continuity of the homogeneity of culture, economy, social and environmental aspects of the world.
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